By awkward O_o - 24/04/2013 21:15 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I found out that my roommate has a masturbation problem; the problem is that he does it in my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 807
You deserved it 4 923

Same thing different taste


You should develop a problem of blasting farts into his pillows. Maybe shave your balls with his razor or clean the toilet with his toothbrush. Just a few ideas.

You should put that bed in the dump and buy a new one.

Grauncho 27

Is he left-handed by any chance?

SirTalkaton 22

Sounds like your the one with the problem

Maybe it's because it has your scent. For all we know he wears your clothe doing it.

c4rpi0 20

You should have sex on his bed and you should get a new bed

Doesn't that make him your masturbation problem?