By Authentik8 - 16/09/2011 22:10 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that one of my university flatmates arrived early for Freshers Week, and had a party which involved the place being trashed. I'm going to lose some of my deposit for damage caused before I even arrived. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 909
You deserved it 2 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yamatelle 19

Here are your options for payback: 1. After using the restroom, instead of using toilet paper like a normal human being, use the towel he dries off with after shower. 2. Invite your weed-smoking-friends over and let them use his bass clarinet as a bong, if he has one. 3. Cut a hole in the mitten he uses to take food out of the oven. 4. Make the sink the appropriate place to wash your junk. 5. Have casual conversations about your bowel movements and how you name them. 6. My personal favourite: Use his deodorant in your junk in order to prevent ingrown hair. It's your choice. Choose wisely.

SwaggerMelon 6


Freshers week?? I'd complain to the landlord, an explain you weren't in residence when the damage happened.

Pfft. Good luck with that. Colleges aren't exactly the most reasonable when it comes to charges and fees. When I moved from one dorm to another, they gave everyone a 3 hour window for move-in, as in, you couldn't move into the new one until 2, but you had to be out of the old one by 5. It was so crowded that it took at least 5 hours until everyone was done. Not to mention it started pouring rain halfway through. They tried to hit half the building with a 300 dollar late-move-out fee.

structuredchaoz 4

Real simple. Make him pay for it or take him to small claims court.

That's not right! I would definitely make them pay you for it

Are u more mad cuz u have to pay or cuz u weren't invited?

You shouldnt have too if you complained about the damage the day you signed in. Usually you have a sheet about complaints of the facility when you first move in so I am saying YDI!

I have to agree, when I came to univeristy we were given an inventory and anything missing or damaged which hadnt been recorded or put down for repair we had to tell them about so we got keep our deposit, so yea ya kinda deserve it for not pointing it out to the uni

spd2fst4u 5

why on earth were you not there for freshers week? geek maybe?

He said one of his flatmates arrived early, probably meaning that they came before Freshers' week... For most unis, Freshers' week has only officially started today. OP - Get evidence and complain. A lot. Complain until they're sick of you and refund the charges. It's usually the only way to make landlords listen.

Haha...Freshers. Oh, I do love you Brits! XD