By Authentik8 - 16/09/2011 22:10 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that one of my university flatmates arrived early for Freshers Week, and had a party which involved the place being trashed. I'm going to lose some of my deposit for damage caused before I even arrived. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 909
You deserved it 2 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yamatelle 19

Here are your options for payback: 1. After using the restroom, instead of using toilet paper like a normal human being, use the towel he dries off with after shower. 2. Invite your weed-smoking-friends over and let them use his bass clarinet as a bong, if he has one. 3. Cut a hole in the mitten he uses to take food out of the oven. 4. Make the sink the appropriate place to wash your junk. 5. Have casual conversations about your bowel movements and how you name them. 6. My personal favourite: Use his deodorant in your junk in order to prevent ingrown hair. It's your choice. Choose wisely.

SwaggerMelon 6


UMad_Bro 3

this comment will get dislikes.

jillianmathers12 13

I would make them pay! If you weren't there you should be held responsible!

HowAreYouToday 34

Make them pay. Make them all pay!!!

Hopefully it says somewhere in your lease that you weren't moving in until this week and are therefore not liable to pay for damages incurred before this date. Else, sure you can try to get them to pay for it, but you are still legally responsible :S which sucks. Flatmates can really screw you over if they want.

Wow thar's incredibly inconsiderate of them. Try and make them pay for it. And have fun living with that jerk :)

Take the expense out of their belongings.

leadsails320 0

Or, shit on their faces during the night.

slushpup9696 12

No need 24, they're probably shitfaced already.

leadman1989 15

That must of been one heluva party. You're in capable hands. If you play your cards right LOTS OF SEX! *nods head Very capable hands indeed.

perdix 29

Now, you are motivated to party your ass off and blow the whole damage deposit!


It's gonna happen eventually anyway

Ouch... They should pay for the damages. Definatley

yamatelle 19

Here are your options for payback: 1. After using the restroom, instead of using toilet paper like a normal human being, use the towel he dries off with after shower. 2. Invite your weed-smoking-friends over and let them use his bass clarinet as a bong, if he has one. 3. Cut a hole in the mitten he uses to take food out of the oven. 4. Make the sink the appropriate place to wash your junk. 5. Have casual conversations about your bowel movements and how you name them. 6. My personal favourite: Use his deodorant in your junk in order to prevent ingrown hair. It's your choice. Choose wisely.

FYLDeep 25

Why choose one when you could choose them all?

yamatelle 19

Excellent idea, and for the bonus, OP can "borrow" his roommate's belongings and never return them; Including his girlfriend.

HarveyMalone 0

Excellent suggestions. This is evidence of how useful FML can be as a source of guidance and inspiration. Who would have thought?

Awesome recap. I only caught about half of those; now I need to go find the others :)