By Anonymous - 13/09/2011 05:53 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that the engineers I work with believe that a woman with an engineering degree working in an engineering company is apparently equivalent to a "secretary for engineers." I am that woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 897
You deserved it 3 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

leadman1989 15

Well they are smart, joking put some boot to ass and show them who's boss!!!

btstig 11

Outwork them to shut their bitching up.


Since you didn't mention your vast years of experience I'll just guess that you're another entitled college kid, male or female, who has a skewed view on what the first job is going to all be about.

This is my life. I am a female engineer! Didn't you ger used to this in college? First of all, get over it & realize they hired you for a reason. Realize you will have to work 2X as hard, 2X as long & 3X as smart. It just is. Had some real assholes for bosses &even quit but kno they dont deserve me

effarve 2

and if you know thats how they look at you, and you dont do anything to change it when you are at least their equal you maam deserve it.

One more thing, many are not as smart as you, especially the aging engineers who never took steel design in the bronze age! In any job, respect is earned. Refuse to fetch coffee, notes, etc. I did, then they caught on. Hang in there, it gets better.

Well what did you expect? Just make sure you get them coffee on time and you'll be fine.

kristidgranger 3

If you getting paid the same amount as the other engineers then it's all good and probably easier work.

I admire female engineers , you should be proud of yourself !

If you're a recent graduate, you ARE a secretary for engineers, regardless of gender, until the more senior engineers decide you have enough real world experience to not kill people. If you're an experienced engineer, you should know better than to put up with that by now. If you're an engineering tech calling yourself an engineer, please stop calling yourself what you're not.

Sooooo why don't you stand up for yourself?