By Anonymous - 13/09/2011 05:53 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that the engineers I work with believe that a woman with an engineering degree working in an engineering company is apparently equivalent to a "secretary for engineers." I am that woman. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 897
You deserved it 3 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

leadman1989 15

Well they are smart, joking put some boot to ass and show them who's boss!!!

btstig 11

Outwork them to shut their bitching up.


I'm also an engineer... and you don't know in the almost 4 years I've been working how I longed for a fellow engineer girl. Sometimes you need that touch that a team of only men don't have. IMHO, I find smart girls sexy.

As a female engineer with more degrees than some of my male counterparts, I feel your pain. There will always be types like those in fields with disproportionate numbers of men and women. Unless you were hired to do secretarial work, the company must value what you have to offer as an engineer, so do your best to disregard your foolish coworkers, but don't be afraid to document incidents and speak to a supervisor or HR if their attitudes interfere with your work or safe work environment.

All the guys that are coming back with the kitchen and sandwich comments are most likely the dudes with tiny dicks and/or have so little experience with anything other than a blow up doll that they blow it before they can even figure out how to get it in.....

Wow, they suck. I'm an engineer (software) and in my experience, probably because it's a profession that attracts roughly 9 men to 1 woman, the female engineers who I do meet are exceedingly competent.

Working in male dominated fields can be tough. I always felt like I had to work harder to prove myself and even after that I'd end up with lower pay for the same background even though I could do the work better then some. I sucked it up cause I loved what I was doing. I left that career for other reasons and while my new one is male dominated as well it's not nearly as bad with having to prove myself. Don't do what I did and burn yourself out trying to show you are as good or better. It's something they have to work through.

skyeyez9 24

A bunch of nerds keep trying to pass all "secretary tyoe of work" to you? Dont do it, they arent your supervisors. Or refuse unless.they gave you $20 for every message and memo they want you to write for them. They'll stop.

structuredchaoz 4

Be sure to document any sexual harassment. You won't need to work for awhile.

Senior29 8

@114 42 wz being a txt nazi herself, she wznt complimenting any1, she wz only correcting me :)

Don't worry too much, most engineers are social retards and many will never get laid so there's your revenge.