By MickeyDManager - 03/08/2009 15:08 - United States

Today, I found out that the girl I tutored in high school in basic ENGLISH just received her PhD in Biophysics. I am now the manager of a McDonald's. I was also the Valedictorian of our graduating class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 670
You deserved it 39 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL #1. You do know that Biophysics doesn't have that much of a correlation to English, right? You should get up and DO something about your situation instead at looking at what others are doing.

at least you're manager and not an employee :D


don't be ashamed of being manager at mcdonalds atleast you have a job

the apprentice has surpassed the master....

maybe you should have married the bitch lol

Staige40 0

should of gone to school, don't complain for something you had the chance to correct.

FYL for having high school as the high point of your life

TheChad85 1

manager! of mc donalds! they wont even higher me at fukin macy's!

probably because you misspelled like half the words you typed. McDonalds. Hire. *******. PATHETIC.

Cor1nn4 10
BrightBrownEyes 11

Well something went wrong along the way.