By MickeyDManager - 03/08/2009 15:08 - United States

Today, I found out that the girl I tutored in high school in basic ENGLISH just received her PhD in Biophysics. I am now the manager of a McDonald's. I was also the Valedictorian of our graduating class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 670
You deserved it 39 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL #1. You do know that Biophysics doesn't have that much of a correlation to English, right? You should get up and DO something about your situation instead at looking at what others are doing.

at least you're manager and not an employee :D


mrs_mommy_07 4

You really cant be upset about that. She chose to make something of herself. You could've done the same. You chose to stay at McDonald's as long as you have and now you're manager. It's never too late to make something of yourself.

Why does her success make your life suck? Be happy she got where she did and if you don't like where you're life is get up off you ass, close the FML window, and DO something about it. I'm not gonna say YDI but she obviously made better choices than you and you bitching about how her success somehow defines yours is just pathetic. And being valedictorian means nothing if you don't apply yourself or go to a mediocre to low grade school. I went to a camp that's 90% valedictorians and I was smarter school-wise and had more street-smart than about 65% of them. I'm in the 31st percentile at my school and numer 389.

She might be dyslexic, or have other issues.

LegendofZelda88 8

what I got outta that is that high school grades don't mean jack! lol

Why do people portray working at McDonald's as a bad thing? >_

Be happy for her instead of being a turd about it. How is comparing yourself to other people helping you out?

you didnt do anythin w/ your life to end up were you are now. you tortured her & she is doing way better then you. smh were did you go wrong ?

This makes me feel good for some reason lol

YDI for thinking you're better than other people. Her strengths are not the same as yours. Please pull your head out of your butt.