By Anonymous - 26/02/2014 07:18 - United States - Littleton

Today, I found out that the little arrow next to my gas gauge actually points to the side of the car where the tank is. For the past year-and-a-half I've been sticking my head out the window and even calling my parents to ask which side it was on, because I can never remember. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 275
You deserved it 51 343

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you need to call your parents when you could get out of the car and check for yourself? C'mon, it's not that hard.

You should know what side it's on after your first week with the car


As a parent, I would purposely say the wrong side so you wouldn't call anymote about it.

You'll still need to take a course on map reading or you could get lost.

Don't worry OP. My mother and I didn't know that until a few weeks ago. And we didn't even believe the person who told us at first :p

@horneyhic That's not true. My car doesn't have an arrow and the while the gas fill-up is on the passenger side my gas gauge arrows point to the drivers side. I learned which side it was on simply by remembering that I have to walk around the car to get to it.

middlenamefrank 8

So, we all had to learn that fact at some point. called your parents when you couldn't remember? Isn't it just easier to get out and look yourself?

My car doesn't have that little arrow and I always have to stop and think about it when I get to the gas station.

Have a look at which side the hose is on the pump picture. That is where I have found it in the work cars that don't have an arrow.

Should you even be driving? You sound really dumb

Not sure how you can't remember after a year and a half. The arrow in my nissan points the wrong way and I only screwed up the first two attempts.