By Chrissy - 08/02/2010 20:24 - United States

Today, I found out that the necklace my boyfriend gave me for my birthday was actually a gift he'd given to his ex-girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 241
You deserved it 3 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

InnocentRainbow 0

All you people saying at least you got a present obviously don't understand women. We don't want something that you gave your ex, we want something that you picked out for us, even if it's cheap, if you picked it out just for us it makes it extremely special and meaningful. Giving a woman something you gave your ex is basically saying we aren't special to you. FYL OP. You need to have a talk with him.

Ajjas013 6

So you're mad at him for recycling?


What. This is the shit that passes for an FML now?! Seriously?!

haha sux to be u jk suck it up wow u think anyone would care accept the nice necklace

omg the same thing happened to me last year!!!! my boyfriend gave me a necklace that he was uneasy of giving rto me, his excuse was that he didn't like giving gifts. after we broke up his brother told me it was actually for his ex before they broke up :-/

Total douche-lord man. No way is he serious about you if he is giving you something he might plan on reusing when he is done with you for some other chick.

koko1718 0

that really does suck, but atleast he got ya somethin

yakturk43 0

today, my gf broke up with me because she found out I regifted a necklace I bought for my ex. FML

ugh heard this type of story before it sucks :(