By Anonymous - 06/04/2015 03:31 - United States - New Britain

Today, I found out that the nickname my friend has been calling me in Japanese for the past year is the word for "Idiot". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 929
You deserved it 5 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should be happy you aren't one of those idiots to tattoo Japanese symbols real big on their body


ばかだいよ! maybe you aren't watching enough animu

Do you realize not everybody likes anime? Even if, they play the more popular ones in English, too.

Now all I hear after reading this are anime girls screaming "Baka!" at boys... Anyway, it is your fault for not asking what that word means and how he came up with it

You know, you'd be surprised how common it is for bilingual people to (sportingly) do this. You kind of deserve it for leaving it so long to find out. Out of interest, how did you figure it out?

Only common knowledge to those that watch anime and like someone above me said, OP's friend may not have used "baka" (stupid/idiot) but "aho" (idiot/fool)

or he was told it meant something else until now

Maybe OP's friend is just a tsundere...

BAKA!!! I knew my years of watching anime would pay off one day!

I guess you live up to your nickname, Baka