By Anonymous - 06/04/2015 03:31 - United States - New Britain

Today, I found out that the nickname my friend has been calling me in Japanese for the past year is the word for "Idiot". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 929
You deserved it 5 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should be happy you aren't one of those idiots to tattoo Japanese symbols real big on their body


Why the hell are people clicking YDI. how was the op suppossed to know their friend is a total dick.

Why wouldn't you have looked it up after he called you it even after the first couple weeks? Why wait a year to actually know what he was calling you o.O

Epickitty58 29

You can ask him, and if you don't trust the answer, Google Translate exists, you baka.

Unless the friend wrote the nickname in english, there's no way OP would have known how to translate the word from Japanese to English as they don't use the same alphabet

Google translate is only good for translating Germanic languages. It struggles with other ones. Believe me on that, I speak a non-German related language.

Most Japanese English online dictionaries support romaji (Japanese words spelt using a-z alphabet)

turdontoast 8

My best friend's last name is actually Baka. So at least it's just a nickname for you.

Your friend probably meant it as a joke.

Reading these comments makes me feel like I'm in a weaboo chatroom

Are you sure they're just a friend? Is this nickname often used in the sentence "I-it's not like I like you or anything...baka"? If so, then you're a bigger baka.

Why is everybody assuming the OP and the friend are both guys? If I've learned anything from anime, the OP is probably a guy and the friend is probably a tsundere girl.