By anon - 02/05/2011 10:58 - United States

Today, I found out that the weird lump on my eye is benign. That would be great news but they aren't going to treat it at all. Now I look like I'm high all the time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 637
You deserved it 2 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I smoke two joints in the morning I smoke two joints at night I smoke two joints in the afternoon It makes me feel alright I smoke two joints in times of peace And two in times of war I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints and then I smoke two more.

This is a problem because you ARE stoned a lot, right?


imnotcraZ 0
imnotcraZ 0

Well, now you have an excuse to be high. Unless you're not a stoner... so then FYL.

Well, if you're gonna look high all the time, don't forget to always bring your towel.

I'm sorry :( you should ask if it could be surgically removed, you shouldn't have to live like that.

everyone is original on this FML all just variations of *gives you an excuse to get high*

Oh poor you! I'm glad it's not cancer(:

muchagente 5

why don't they treat you? is there no social insurance?

I smoke two joints in the morning I smoke two joints at night I smoke two joints in the afternoon It makes me feel alright I smoke two joints in times of peace And two in times of war I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints and then I smoke two more.

another rad song. so many rad songs about smokin pot. you'd think people would catch on soon...