By Grosssss - 15/07/2016 16:08 - United States - Harrisonburg
Same thing different taste
Sharing is caring
By Eddie - 07/03/2021 23:00
By Anonymous - 17/04/2021 21:27
By curlyisnogood - 10/01/2011 00:19
By arrrrggggghhhh - 04/03/2009 23:38 - United States
By nickyniknaim93 - 11/03/2009 06:07 - United States
By bleach - 24/03/2013 05:30 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 28/07/2013 17:38 - Slovenia - Ruse
By pubes - 18/03/2010 01:55 - United States
WTF roomie?
By JN5SLK - 08/11/2013 22:29 - United States - Salt Lake City
By awkward O_o - 24/04/2013 21:15 - United States - Saint Paul
Top comments
I would tell your roommate to buy you a new one but since they probably won't I would invest in a new one and keep it put up somewhere they can't find like your room and only take it to the bathroom when you're going to use it. Next time you see him just mention he should probably get checked out and walk away(it is possible to get a serious infection if the owner of the razor has one), that'll probably be the last time he touches your stuff if he thinks he got something from you.
The roommate probably wouldn't buy a new one because she wasn't the one using her roommates' razor. Even suggesting that the roommate buy it is a little too much. If she knew and didn't say anything that's disgusting but still her FWB responsibility.
Most likely. I'm super empathetic and would probably feel bad for it and buy them a new one. But you're most likely right and not something I would expect.
How often does she come over is the question
I would guess never since it's a he.
Omg that's absolutely disgusting and unsanitary. Sorry about that OP. Get a new one asap!
Well, it's not like you never touched his pubic hair with your bikini area before.
Did you even read the FML?
Benefit #1 using your room mate. Benefit #2 using your trimmer.
Seems like a friendship with a lot of benefits
how do you know he was using it on his pubes
Why should OP buy a new one? Catch him in the act, OP and make him either pay for yours and give you money for a new one or make him buy 2 of them, one for himself and to replace yours. That's seriously messed up and certainly unsanitary!
Go buy a new one and hide it for your use. Dip the cutting edges of the old one in capsaicin oil before he comes over. Hilarity shall ensue.
I hate when people use things that are not theirs. Especially to do some nasty shit like that, it's inconsiderate and dumb as hell. Just buy a new one OP, or tell him too. Also, tell that fool to keep his hands off your things.