By Anonymous - 17/01/2012 11:57 - United States

Today, I found out the girl I've been fooling around with for two weeks has a boyfriend, who is in jail, and is a member of the Aryan Brotherhood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 747
You deserved it 7 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

I hope you're not black, or jewish, or a black jew.


perdix 29

You ought to join AAA. They're a pretty kick-ass gang and they've got your back. As long as you can wait two hours for them to show up.

Only the dumb ones get caught, so if you don't survive, blame Darwin and his theory... we'll understand

This would be sooooooooooooo much worse if it ended "And I'm black, FML"

dirtysellers85 0

Change all your contact info now, or fake your death.

mas91796 0

so what the Arayn Brotherhood is pussy :)

Ofcourse they are. All 20 000 of them. O_o

GoW_Chick 14

I would love to see you say that to them in person, I don't agree with what they stand for, but know not to mess with them.