By nightDREAMERms - 23/04/2011 14:55 - United States

Today, I found out the hard way that I'm the "lucky" type of woman who can experience intense orgasms in certain positions: in the middle of group yoga. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 805
You deserved it 7 522

Same thing different taste


perdix 29

You ****** when you fart? That's what yoga does for me. Just the farting, that is.

TraceCase_ 19

WHAT? There's such a type? I don't know if you deserve it but your life is definitely not ******, OP.

RainbowHeadache 2

Wow if that's all in your life "worthy" of an FML I'll trade you lives. I'll take your orgasms any day. bahaha

I'm sorry but complaining about this here? It makes you sound like a prude who isn't comfortable with her own body. Get over yourself and become a whole person...

babycakess10 0

I'm pretty sure her flm was based on the fact that she orgasmed in the middle of the yoga class surrounded by people! it's called reading comprehension. you should try it sometime.

Thank you. People seem to have confused their brains and genitals on this one.

xtacticalswarmx 0

Haha, now that was funny. True none the less. Lol

Can you tell me what pose it was?? I want to try!

um_yeah_its_me 3

yeah because you clearly won't get it from anyone else...

wow 52, that was mean and uncalled for.

screwing 52 won't give you any orgasms!

millan619 0

are u in San Diego by any chance lol