By Josh - 27/09/2011 05:14 - United States

Today, I found out the reason why my therapist was so nice to me all of the time. Apparently, she is afraid that I'm going to stab her if she pisses me off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 423
You deserved it 5 838

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put a menacing face on and mabye you'll get a discount ;)

perdix 29

They're nice to you because you pay them. Follow the money. If she thought you were really dangerous, she'd send you to a psychiatric hospital. She knows you are just a pussy full of rage and impotence. She's not afraid you'll pull out a knife, but that you'll put away your checkbook.


Ermm.. Don't be surprised when you come in and you have a new therapist. YDI

How does he deserve a very unprofessional therapist blubbering ****?

Do you by any chance dress like Mick Dundee?

I love eating at "Outbacks" just so I can cut my steak with those over sized knives.(:

I use those knife's for everything, shaving, eating, waving at my therapist....

Exactly. Besides how would a "mean" therapist get through to anyone.

I prefer Kosher dill. I think OP is one of those cucumber types though. Hmm...

One comment is sufficient, you don't need to try and think of new "clever jokes".

I hope your not going to now that you know.

not_cool808 14