By thanksfyi - 02/07/2011 21:51 - Norway

Today, I found out via Facebook that my brother got engaged several days ago. Not only did he not tell me, but we live in the same house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 550
You deserved it 4 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KingGeorgeGal 12

Facebook - bringing families together a day at a time.

PSQ91 6

Well it's not official till it's on facebbok, duh!


rbhockey9 0

It could be a joke too considering everyone likes to put their statuses as "in a relationship" as a joke

Kotaree 0

I don't think it's such a big deal he didn't tell you, but I've only been on your brothers side of things. I was engaged for 2years before my family found out, and I didn't even tell them. I wore my ring though, I never tried to hide it, I just wasn't getting along with my family to care if they knew. Every family is different so for all we know you and your brother don't get along at all. Just show that you're truely happy for him and maybe he'll want to tell you other things in the future.

guess who isnt going to the wedding! hahha you!

deepshah1991 0

um I don't see what the big deal is

my sister had a baby and i didn't find out until i read a comment over facebook 15 hours after it was posted there were already 48 likes