By Anonymous - 09/05/2012 22:09 - Egypt - Cairo

Today, I found out where all my missing panties have gone, when my 12-year-old daughter was caught selling them to the boys at school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 208
You deserved it 3 386

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I sense the makings of a very successful business woman.

On the bright side... she could have a future in the lingerie business?


quite the entrepreneur you have there!

melrose90210 10
saltycookies 5

daughter card rejected. I didnt know stuff like this happened in Egypt. Arent you too busy with elections or something?

skipskap 8

He should at least give you the money then.

that sounds like something i would do

I didn't know this kind of stuff happens in egypt lol