By meep - 23/12/2009 16:05 - United States

Today, I found out where my $300 worth of American Eagle and Hollister clothes had disappeared to. My 16 year old sister shredded them with scissors, took pictures of it for her Myspace and said that I deserved it for being a "conformist." All her "internet friends" said it was awesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 769
You deserved it 12 329

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fml_no_fyl 0

Wearing those clothes is fine. Still going on myspace however is NOT.

LilaFaye 0

I think it's kind of funny that her conformist-hating sister has a Myspace account. It doesn't get much more conformist than that. That sucks, though. Plot some horrible revenge :D


Everyone saying OP deserves it for wearing those brands, shut the **** up, you silly *****. She has every right to wear whatever damn brand of clothes she wants. OP, my word I'd be so livid if I were you. Your sister is an enormous ******* bitch. I suggest seeking revenge. Destroy her computer for one thing (there may be a way to do it without her being able to tell you did).

Pouring water all along her keyboard and sticking gum in any holes on the monitor or laptop itself...

McCarthyBros 0

I'd probably strangle your sister. I've bought my own clothes, shoes, and electronics since I was 16 and got a job. I buy clothes I like, regardless of brand name. If I want to have a couple pairs of expensive jeans or shirts, that's my business and no one else's. I refuse to spend more than $20 on jeans and usually get them on sale. I paid $10 for a pair of $90 jeans once because I was smart about it. I wear what I like and that's my business. The biggest names I wear on a regular basis are Arizona and Converse though... But anyone saying you deserved it have probably never had to buy their own clothes and get everything from their parents. So they just don't get it. And they won't.

For everyone who is saying the OP deserves it, anyone who doesn't make their own clothes is conforming in some way, because you're buying the same clothes a million other people have. And no one deserves 300 dollars worth of their things destroyed, no matter where they came from. If I were the OP, I'd beat the crap out of my sister.

YDI FYL ! Merry Christmas and Happy all the other retarded Holidays that people celebrate.

thats what you get for being a conformist.

remy_xi 0

Really? Go bitch somewhere else about it. Hollister is shitty, anyways. All their clothing wears out incredibly fast - she just saved you some time.

Dude,if that was my sister i'd kick her ass.

JessiKitty_lol 7

LOL I hate those preppy stores. Eff Abercrombie, Hollister, American Eagle, and all those other shitty crap places! Tell your sister thanks ^-^ also, YDI :)

I hope someone cuts up $300 worth of YOUR clothing! Maybe then,you would think you deserved it?how about you think about how you would feel if this happenedto you

She both admitted and and gave proof, you can make her pay you back.

Take the heatsink out of her computer while she's not home and wait for her to turn it on. When the whole thing goes up in flames, tell her she deserves it for being a miserable ****.