By meep - 23/12/2009 16:05 - United States

Today, I found out where my $300 worth of American Eagle and Hollister clothes had disappeared to. My 16 year old sister shredded them with scissors, took pictures of it for her Myspace and said that I deserved it for being a "conformist." All her "internet friends" said it was awesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 771
You deserved it 12 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fml_no_fyl 0

Wearing those clothes is fine. Still going on myspace however is NOT.

LilaFaye 0

I think it's kind of funny that her conformist-hating sister has a Myspace account. It doesn't get much more conformist than that. That sucks, though. Plot some horrible revenge :D


kezzstar 0

Good on the OP for having a job and for doing what they want. OP, your sister reminds me of my brother. I'm all for pawning off her clothes. Charity maybe?

I can't believe how many people here think that you deserve it for wearing that stuff. Yes, it's kinda expensive, it does not make for an acceptable reason to tear it up! Oh God, I would destroy the sister's goth/punk/hippy whatever she is clothes if I were in that position. This is making me flash-back to seventh grade when I myself was anticonformist. Good thing I halfway conformed...

Hey, anyone ever noticed that most "nonconformists" are pretty much the same as each other?

DrunkDave89 0

Well, my friend, that's simply the out-group homogeneity effect in action! Conformists such as you, me, and many other productive members of our great society see the distinctions in our dress, mannerisms, and other distinguishing characteristics quite readily because we are conditioned to through or extensive experience with other conformists (henceforth referred to as the in-group). Non conformists (the aforementioned out-group) all look, sound, and most certainly act, alike to fine folks like you and me because of our blessedly limited interactions with them. Though we might easily distinguish between "our" brands of clothing (AE, A&F, Gap, Polo, D&G, etc.), we have no frame of reference to determine which of "their" clothes came from Hot Topic, and which were bought at the local thrift store/flea market. A modern anthropologist such as myself could only begin to imagine the veritable cornucopia of different subsets that exist within the emo/scene/nonconformist/useless youth group without greater dissection of their "culture." However, I couldn't care less, and in closing I say to all you eyelinered myspacedrones, "get a haircut, and get a real job." (G. Thorogood) -Double D

anyone whoever touches my stuff gets a fist surprise :] in the face or down below.

mashedpotato360 0

Burn your sister's clothes & books, smash her electronics until you're -$300 even.

why does it matter people wear what they want to it doesnt matter if its conformist or not they still lost $300 worth of clothes it doesnt matter what brand or name or what ever its still wrong to do no matter what seriously you people who say that the OP deserved it how would you like it if somone did that to your clothes

silverspire29 2

YDI for wearing those types of clothes.

damnit_smanfa 0

Let me guess, you're a non-conformist? You shop at Hot Topic right? Listen to 'dark' music and all that other great shit? Or maybe, you couldn't give a shit about your appearance. Maybe you just wear whatever happens to be on clearence at Walmart, hell if I know. All I know, is if you have the money for something, why not get it? Would you yell at someone who had a nicer house than yours simply because their income allows them so? No. So why should this be any different?

While YDI for being a walking billboard, I have to ask... So, she posted her crusade against conformity on Myspace? Really? Myspace?