By dazedandconfused - 18/09/2016 09:44 - United Kingdom - Dorking

Today, I found out why my wife has been upset with me for the last week. She told me this morning that I did something to upset her on our date night last Friday, she won't tell me what, and she said she'll leave me if I do it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 455
You deserved it 1 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There aren't very many things you can to to earn a week of anger and a threat like that - and they'd all be super obvious. At this point, her behaviour is a bigger issue than anything you might have done. A week of anger is way too angry. Claiming that it's worth leaving you over, but not worth actually telling you what it is, is just messed up? That's a pretty abusive way to treat someone.

If she can leave you for a reason she doesn't even want to explain, maybe she simply doesn't love you anymore, or not enough for her to care... Or she's simply trying to find a reason to leave you, and either way, she's acting like a child, sorry for you man.


ohsnapword 21

One of three things can be true here: 1. You're a complete monster who has no regard for the feelings of others. 2. Your wife is nuttier than Mr. Peanut. 3. Some combination of 1 and 2.

saffy66 34

That is completely immature and manipulative behaviour. Women like this anger me because they just reinforce the stereotype that all women as crazy unreasonable psychos. In OP's place I'd just tell her to go, because she's clearly too childish to have a mature relationship. But I know it's not that simple.

randybryant799 20

It sounds like maybe she's trying to get out of the marriage without taking any of the blame.

Oh, I didn’t realize your wife was my mom.