By notmyfault - 14/01/2016 22:21 - United States - Bloomington

Today, I found out why this crazy bitch slashed the tires of my car to prevent me from going to my exam. It's because I'm supposedly the curve setter for the class and she wants to get into medical school without me fucking it up for her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 528
You deserved it 1 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think someone as crazy as her shouldn't go into medical school in first place...

mds9986 24


Return the favor next exam she has :D sharing is caring.

You should, gather some evidence, sue her for destruction of property and than get her expelled from school? Because this is messed up… FYL op, hopefully you can explain this too your teacher and be able to take the test

If my tires ended up slashed my teachers probably would've been the type to tell me "Tough." "Not my problem." or "You should've planned better." (Keeping in mind that I live in an area with no public transportation (what's that?) and you weren't allowed to walk to the school (school rule) because of it being so close to the juvenile hall and jail). If you want public transportation around here (other than for the high school), you need to travel 2-3 hours just to find something. Stupid small towns.

scottishoatmeal 22

Did you mean to say... "****"? It's the Internet; you can say it.

Queen_of_Night 20

I did not think that one student could influence the curve.

It's different for different professors. For some, one high grade means no (or little) curve.

Queen_of_Night 20

Well, yeah, usually its an average. If a certain percent of the class is doing well or ok, then there's no curve. I had one class that the class average was so low that my 67.9 was a B+. It was a horrible class and my grade would have been a lot lower if not for my boyfriend. The point is, one student doing extremely well is not enough to affect a curve was what I was saying.

Queen_of_Night 20

My bad #27! Misread what you said. That's a shitty way to do class... Oh well, glad I'm out of college.

Uhhhh she doesn't need to be in the medical profession anyway with that attitude. Ya know, the psycho kind ?

How ethical ! you gotta wonder how someone like that could wbwr be trusted as a doctor !

stangbang92 17

But how many doctors were cut throats in school? You kinda need to be to become one.

Hmm an interesting look into the mind set of becoming a future medical doctor. Your colleague has committed a crime punishable by damage. Too, I understand your frustration but the way your publication reads suggests , in my opinion, a desperate need of a vacation as well. You have the right to prosecute ,do so if you choose . Nothing good can become of this regarding your career as a medical doctor. I do not know of any doctor who I would feel comfortable trusting who used the words you chose to use. Scary.

WEE-WOO! WEE-WOO! Pull over, it's the PC police! OP's crime: cussing. The shame of it! Not one ounce of vulgarity or obscenity is allowed in the medical field, right, DocBastard?

leogachi 15

@26 Cussing is scary, but it's acceptable to have a guy with both his middle fingers up in your profile pic? I can't tell if your post is a bad joke or if you think doctors shouldn't be allowed to speak in whichever manner they choose in their personal lives.

Who says OP wants to be a doctor? The other student wants to be a doctor.

Haha it is a diverse and crazy world we live in , nice to touch a nerve . Thank you.

No crime , I never said that about her , nor was it ever implied in regard to op. What is with the name calling ? Sheesh what a freak.

balba31 13

Nobody likes the curve setter...

Why is she mad about not having a curve? If she's applying to medical school, her grades should be good enough that she shouldn't have to depend on a curve to past. A single student's grade does not "set the curve" - it's based on the class average. Curve or not, she will the get the grade that she deserves for how much effort she put in. Instead of wasting study time plotting how to screw over someone else, maybe she should have her nose buried in a book. And a criminal record is grounds for dismissal from any medical school - try explaining that one on your applications. OP - please report this to the police. I really don't want this person to disgrace my profession and risk patients' lives due to her selfishness and lack of accountability.

HPCullen251 21

Actually some curves are set by a single student. Some professors use the highest score in the class as a 100%. If that score is 100% then no curve.

A curve can be influenced by one person. When I was in high school, my German professor would throw away the highest score and use the second highest as a %100. (That's how I ended up getting %130 on my German finals in high school)

A serial killer in the making. I hope you got to your exam in time

People that slash tires aren't serial killers in the making. They are psychos, yes, but not necessarily killers.

They're not serial killers, they're radial killers.