By happybirthday - 12/08/2012 05:49 - United States - Wrentham

By happybirthday - 12/08/2012 05:49 - United States - Wrentham
By Screwed - 07/08/2009 23:35 - Canada
By Anonymous - 02/06/2011 04:17
By Anonymous - 30/07/2015 19:29 - Canada - Foam Lake
By Anonymous - 07/05/2013 03:27 - United States - Utica
By dwood08 - 07/11/2014 01:55 - United States - New York
By SURPRISE - 10/06/2009 00:13 - Canada
By Anonymous - 15/10/2022 18:00
By meowymomma - 25/06/2016 19:21 - United States
By Van - 09/11/2019 05:00
By Soontobeex - 15/09/2009 21:44 - United States
Enough with the paper talk and name calling... She said it herself that she's always on one business trip or another... So much so, her husband felt lonely enough to seek the company of a call girl... Hey, he didn't want to be alone on his birthday while she was away again... Who knows, this might have happened before... You can be a career oriented woman, but you can not neglect your husband enough for him to decide to do what he did... I'm not saying it's right, but it could have been someone he was actually seeing and having a relationship with... Both of you are to be blamed here really... Most married men will acknowledge their wives presence even when they're not around... For him to bring a prostitute home, just proves that you're gone too often and your entire presence in the house has diminished very badly... Talk it out and seek help if necessary...
It did not say that she was always away on a business trip , it said that he thought she was on a business trip .
It could write a long post about all the stupidity in Thatnucca's comment, but I'm going to make it easy for myself: Roflol.
Wth is wrong with you?
Actually, if she found the time to throw her husband a party, I highly doubt she neglects him that much. Also there's no excuse for her husband to to be unfaithful, there's talking and there's divorce if he doesn't like how his marriage is doing he can choose one of those.
I am not usually one to do the "divorce his ass" to the relationship ones but honestly this ass deserves it. My dad did the same type of thing to my mom over 3 times but it was while he was away on business. And she got a nasty suprise down the road from it if you know what i mean... Leave him and you'll be better off!!
Dude was too cheap to go to a hotel?
At least it's wasn't and ex-girlfriend or something. But still sucks.
14- Do tell, Noor. *Has a seat and patiently waits for a William Shatner TV cop series reference from the late 80's....*
That douche hunny send him the papers
Hopefully your ex-hausband now?
Immediately thought of tj hooker so I waited for someone else to, thanks.
How is it a fml? U always need a hooker in the party! No?
What a douche. He was more than lucky to have someone as compassionate as you. Oh well, his loss.
I think you have another surprise for him right? Like some papers..