By outagrand - 01/08/2009 14:08 - Australia

Today, I gave my mother a pre-prepared deposit envelope with my fortnightly wage in it, in cash. I tell her exactly where the deposit box is and what to do. I'm now desperately calling the bank because my mother accidentely put my $1200 deposit in the little trash can for receipts under the ATM. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 948
You deserved it 13 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments


@35 i completely agree. though it's totally effed up that this person's mother is daft, if he knew that he would have to explain it in such detail, he shouldn't have trusted her..

LuvPink 0

WOW you're mom's a ******* moron. She's how old and doesn't know how to deposit a check?? FYL for sure.

LuvPink 0

oh and another thing....who says "fortnightly wage"??? lol

if you get paid every 2 weeks then wat else do you call it ?

luvpink, people in other countries say it. and mandy, in america we call it bi-weekly

KiwiDingo 0

not everyone on this site is American luvpink. Australians call it fortnightly and so do kiwis. broaden your vocabulary and it wouldn't seem like such a foreign term to your small mind

guessingvulture 0

I suspect the lucky person who empties that little trash receptacle had a good day.

wtf???? Why are you getting your mum to do your banking for you? Grow up.

zomblover 0

wow dude i'd f*ckin kill her...

maxv_15 0

Letting a woman be responsible for your finances. Not just a woman, but your own mother, whom you could never reprimand. YDI

maxv_15 0

Oh.. I just realized you are a woman. Which may be one of the reasons you have such ridiculous financial ethics to begin with.

For everyone who said 'you deserve it' for being lazy or not doing it yourself, how do you know the OP isn't in a situation where she absolutely cannot post it herself, we don't know her motives behind asking her mother to do this for her and shouldn't judge her.