By outagrand - 01/08/2009 14:08 - Australia

Today, I gave my mother a pre-prepared deposit envelope with my fortnightly wage in it, in cash. I tell her exactly where the deposit box is and what to do. I'm now desperately calling the bank because my mother accidentely put my $1200 deposit in the little trash can for receipts under the ATM. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 948
You deserved it 13 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Nevrmore 0

Pre-Prepared Deposit Envelope... "That's another complaint of mine - too much use of this prefix "pre". It's all over the language now — "pre"-this, "pre"-that, place the turkey in a "pre-heated" oven. It's ridiculous! There are only two states an oven can possibly exist in: Heated or unheated! "Pre-heated" is a meaningless ******* term! It's like "pre-recorded" — "This program was pre-recorded." Well, of course it was pre-recorded! When else are you gonna record it, afterwards? That's the whole purpose of recording; to do it beforehand! Otherwise it doesn't really work, does it? "Pre-existing", "pre-planning", "pre-screening" — you know what I tell these people? Pre-suck my genital situation! And they seem to understand what I'm talking about." -George Carlin

why the **** would you let your mom do it? especially if you had to explain in detail, a seemingly simple and mindless task... your fault for trusting an idiot...

If you're so desperately calling banks, then why the hell are you spending the time to talk about it on FML?

you know it takes less than a minute to write three lines of text. calm down.

redxapplexoxo 0
fabbitsrabbit 0

i agree. ur mom fails

Benlvsceleste 0

YDI for letting someone else handle $1200 of your you have $1200, but you still nopt only live at home, but have your mother run your errands???: Really, and the folks on here are calling the MOM dumb????

fabbitsrabbit 0
cherrypieguy 0

Im not a trollvbutcydivfor saying fortnightly and not biweekly.

cherrypieguy 0
KiwiDingo 0

not everyone is American dumbass. other countries call it fortnightly.

You rock just for using the word 'fortnightly'

It's an aussie thing to use fortnightly. I've never seen anyone say 'bi-weekly' Was it the Commonwealth by any chance? Cause I can see that happening at their atms.