By italy1986 - 13/04/2009 19:41 - United States

Today, I got 20% tints on my car. As I'm driving home, a cop pulls me over. I didn't want to ruin my new tint by opening my window, so I opened my door as the cop approached. He then pulled out his gun and yelled "GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND!" before I could explain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 598
You deserved it 58 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahahaa. Dude, they get scared if you do that. LOL cop fail!

Dude, don't open the door unless the cop asks you to. YDI.


ohhhhshizzz 0

GOD PEOPLE HOW CAN HE HAVE DESERVED IT?! He should have been a good little cop and possibly got shot so that he doesn't inconvience ppl. **** his wife, kids, and family.. I want to have tints dammit! And don't you know how this could have been prevented by telling him to put his guns outside the door? Its not like he could have put.... lets say A GUN outside the door and shot him.... it was totally unnecessary for the cops to pull out a weapon to potentially save himself. All you ppl saying he deserved it are stupid... and are not genuses like teh ppl like me who kno dat cops shood jus b shot. #145 - 04/14/2009 at 8:35am by lifesabit Report abuse No one ever said the cop deserved it. I'm not going to point out your gramatical errors because there are too many, I could barely read this. I understand, precautions but the OP didn't pull out a gun or anything so we don't have to worry about the what ifs...? This is what happened, period. And how do you know the cop has a wife, kids and family? He could be an only child of an only child with no girlfriend or kids and his 'rents could be dead. YOU DON'T KNOW, so just stop sounding like an idiot and shut up.

You deserved it. Yeah, it sucks that you got pulled over during a period when you were told not to pull down the windows. However, law dictates that when pulled over you wait for the officer and follow his directions. The law states you should not exit the vehicle or else the police officer should immediately view you as a threat. As it stands, a cop spends the first 30-90 seconds of any traffic stop assessing the danger level of a situation and watching for absolutely anything that is outside the ordinary. A few weeks ago there were several cops killed on a routine stop. You should have been more careful. Having known a great many cops in my day, I know that they don't "randomly" pull people over. If you were pulled over you were clearly in violation of the law. And not simply "moving with the flow of traffic". You could have waited for the cop to approach you and then explained your situation through your glass, which was NOT soundproof. Instead you presented yourself to an officer of the law who is trained to treat you as a threat. The cop is not at fault, in any way. Get it right next time.

that sucks bro, i hear you on the tints, its not worth ******* up. The cop was right in being cautious but what he did was extreme for sure, exactly the same way cops usually are. Hope you didn't get arrested. YTDidn'tDI p.s. all you haters on tints, keep it to yourself, its your opinion, we don't all do it for looks, its the privacy that is appealing.

I'm unsure about this one... I mean, you were a danger by opening the door... but don't most police officers give a warning first? From online videos I've seen, police can sometimes be the biggest d bags. But I think I side with "FYL"

islander1415 0

I am in complete agreeance with you skippyelgato... As an additional side note: COPS DON'T SWEAR IN THAT REGARD you stupid ****. Stop posting fake FMLs and get a ******* life.

Scorponok 0

You don't open your door unless a cop tells you to, idiot.

lol bro i got pulled over the first day i put my tints on, i'm rockin 20%s also; tint laws are ******* gay.. i just said **** it and rolled the window down, but i also tinted em myself and took the interior door panel off so it doesn't matter if i roll the window up and down!

to be honest one can see why tints would be seen as threatening to law enforcement officers but at the same time i don't see how the reaction would have had any lasting effect on your life...unless you had drugs or were drunk or something...