By italy1986 - 13/04/2009 19:41 - United States

Today, I got 20% tints on my car. As I'm driving home, a cop pulls me over. I didn't want to ruin my new tint by opening my window, so I opened my door as the cop approached. He then pulled out his gun and yelled "GET ON THE FUCKING GROUND!" before I could explain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 598
You deserved it 58 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ahahaa. Dude, they get scared if you do that. LOL cop fail!

Dude, don't open the door unless the cop asks you to. YDI.


YDI. The cop didn't know you got your windows tinted and any cop want to go home to his/her family when their shift is over. So, when you open your door and get out of your car they assume you are a threat. Smart move on the cops part, stupid on yours. Though, I do think the swearing was unnecessary. @ #14- Maybe 20% is under the legal limit in your state (I don't know if other countries have tint laws), but it might not be in other states. Some states it's as low as 12% for certain windows.

duchesse427 0

lmfao, that's funny as hell. sorry dude

Just wanted to add, tints have a lot of purposes. They keep the sun out of your car and keep the inside cooler especially in hotter I liked having tints on my old car because then creepy ppl wouldnt stare at me at stoplights haha, it happens more then youd think ;P

It's neither party's fault. Cop perceived it as a threat, and OP didn't want to ruin his tints. ****, I wouldn't want to ruin them either.

thuryn 2

To all you people who say, "Oh, the OP should know better! He was an obvious threat! Blah blah blah." Says who? I never heard of that crap. "Protect and serve," huh? What a bunch of bullshit. I've been to driving school, know several cops, and been pulled over several times and have never heard of any sort of rule that Everyone Should Know about not opening the door or the cop ******* attacks you. Have I seen a cop back up two paces and put his hand on his weapon? Sure. That's a reasonable precaution. Should you keep your hands in plain sight and not just jump right out in a flash? Sure. That's actually common courtesy when approaching ANYONE you don't know. But getting a gun in your face is an overreaction if all the OP did was open the door. Sorry, dude. You found a nervous cop on a bad day. **** him.

@ 158: What I said was correct. In Texas, as long as your window tint reads 20% or higher on the front windows -- the only windows they test -- you will pass that part of the state inspection. Technically, the law is 25%, but the law also states that you cannot fail a state inspection if your tint reads 20% or higher.

@ 123: Way to make a complete idiot out of yourself. Read the other posts explaining why the cop had all right to act the way he did and I think you'll realize the only imbecile in this thread is you.

sinbadmac 0

@ 173 sorry i just reread what you said and realized that you said it would pass, not that thats what the law is.

for those of you bashing on the cops, the officer responded how he should. you are not supposed to open the door or get out unless the cop tells you to. its for the officer's safety