By omg - 25/03/2011 00:43 - Canada

Today, I got a call from my 8 year-old son's teacher. Apparently, my kid has been charging girls a quarter to touch his "special area." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 619
You deserved it 8 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments


What the...I've been charging people €5 to touch every1luvsboners' yonker, and this little shit has been undercutting my business! I'm gonna ******' cut him.

this is epic =D your son is awesome =P

aKid_namedIZ 1

At least the kid gets around (and some)

lesdodis 0

tell the teacher don't hate the playa hate the game

The kid us full of win but you fail as a parent

dearing94 0

Thats awesome. PIMP! But sucky for you.