By omg - 25/03/2011 00:43 - Canada

Today, I got a call from my 8 year-old son's teacher. Apparently, my kid has been charging girls a quarter to touch his "special area." FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 619
You deserved it 8 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments


I wanted to say smart kid, but I think he could've easily charged them $1.

i actually think that the kid took the viewers' budgets into consideration when he did this, which makes the idea even more ingenious. |the kid|

1234USMC 0

I wanna grow up to be like your son!

no one cares about your probably fake husband. sit back and quit trying to show off

cookies61889 15

he's def winning i think your kid is taking charlie sheens place in a few years

skateking133 0

Ahhh I was gonna make a comment like this but ya beat me. Sheen FTW! :)

kkalia3 0

hey, u shud be proud on dis....... i got respect for him

mismonroe 0

PURE BRILLIANCE! Has he made much? I might try this idea on for size. ... though I think that's prostitution?

haha your kid is awesome. though don't you think he isn't charging enough lol

Omgitsaireyonna 6

Yea it's bugging me about "an" call. Even an adult doesn't know proper English...but funny kid haha