By Anonymous - 22/04/2009 05:22 - United States

Today, I got a call from the Hollister manager yelling at me for not showing up for work that night. I was never informed I got the job. I missed my first day of work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 811
You deserved it 5 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was fired from Hollister without ever being told.. I wouldn't worry about it, they're a screwed up company.

Loe_307 0

Hope you stood up for yourself.


britt2301 0

#30..I've worked at hollister/a&f for over 2 years now..I not only make way more than minimum wage, I also get 40 hours a week, just as a Brand Rep. #15..I got recruited on the spot in abercrombie. i never had an orientation. Not everybody gets one. If the store is busy enough, they'll just train you as you go. #13..Sounds like you are slightly it because you don't fit into the clothes?? They aren't made for fat people.

It's nothing but a bunch of cheap t-shirts that teenagers somehow find cool. You're forking over money to be a walking advertisement for their lame shit. Suckers.

vivaverde123 0

just call them back and explain

sportsnut 0

Don't be too upset, i used to work at a few places like that and the most important thing you should take out of the situation is knowing that you dont ever want their job and that you can do a hell of a lot better if you take high school/college seriously.

AskingForIt 0

Every stop to wonder, Hollister is run by idiots, they think they become cool by buying these clothes when it's just crap with a big label on it, the managers are all too full of themselves to remember who they hired

MyLyfeSux42 0

wow uhmmmmm it SUX 4 u that ure manager yelled at you buht: YOU GOT A JOB AT HOLLISTER??? woww thats not that badd

bombdiggityy 0

that sucks. and as a side note, hollister clothes are SO over priced. seriously, they're not that great.

Wow, 0-0 it wasnt even your fault! i think i would have cryed if that happened to me just because i would feel bad for not getting the call