By Parentalfailure - 22/07/2013 21:06 - United States - Garner

Today, I got a call from the police. Apparently my son tried robbing a teenage couple, but wound up getting his ass beat by both of them. I don't know what's worse, that my 32-year-old son is a criminal, or that he got it handed to him by 15-year-olds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 701
You deserved it 5 643

Parentalfailure tells us more.

This is OP, here to clear a few things up. For the person who asked, it was a male/female couple. He had pulled out a knife on the girl and that set the guy into attack mode or something, since he started punching my son in the face. The girl pushed him down and then the guy pinned him till the cops showed up. Yes, the call came from him asking for bail, which I did NOT post. He has been involved in illegal activities since he was 17, and this was the final straw. His trial starts in about a week (this happened about six months ago) and the prosecution is going for armed robbery. I hate to say it but I hope they get a conviction, he needs a wake up call. For those who posted supportive comments thank you, for those who blamed me, it is probably my fault for how I raised him. Hope this clears some things up. OP

Top comments

It's brave of you to admit that it was probably your fault, OP, but I disagree. My grandmother raised 4 children, and 3 out of 4 of them ended up very successful. She was a wonderful mother, but her oldest son had no ambition and had dropped out of high school after having to repeat 8th grade three times. He's been in and out of jail ever since and is in his 40's now. It was your son's own choices that got him where he is today. What i mean is that its not always the parents fault, so don't resort to blaming yourself. :)

They whopped his ass so you didn't have to.


Tough decision but, I'd be more concerned about the 15 year olds handing your son's ass to him!!