By Mars - 29/04/2009 09:40 - United States

Today, I got a haircut. Right after the lady finished washing my hair she grabbed a towel to wipe her nose. She then used the same towel to thoroughly dry my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 008
You deserved it 5 023

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well... at least you can say you have all natural products in your hair. ;-)


littlemisslee 0

OMG please tell me you said something and made a big scene. I would have. FYL. Sorry.... that girl should have known that a woman's hair is her biggest possession.

youaresofucked 0

yet another fml with the word "procceeded" in it. And this ISN'T an fml. this is just someone whining IMO

poolshark 0

@littlemisslee's remarkable "a woman's hair is her biggest possession" comment: 1) (the literal interpretation) I am picturing you as a little person with some GIANT teased 80's hair. 2) (the sad truth) Your self worth must be pretty low if you care more about your hair than any other aspect of your being. 3) (the future) Don't procreate; I wouldn't want children to grow up looking at themselves or the world the way you seem to. You sound like a potential beauty pageant mom.

Simple. Go somewhere less jakey to get your hair done

abr_fyl 0

congratualtions, you were the tester for her secret concoction to eliminate frizz. in all seriousness, i'm a hairdresser and i would never, ever be able to do that to someone. that's just raunchy!!!

Cluztycutie0728 0

That same thing happened on an episode of Tabatha's Salon Takeover on Bravo. I guess she needs to go takeover your salon now, yuck!!! Sorry that happened :-(