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Toot toot!

By Anonymous - 29/04/2009 10:12 - United States

Today, trying to make my 6 year-old daughter to laugh, I drew a picture of a butt, a puff of air coming out and the word "Toot". My daughter thought it extremely funny. Later, when she was talking with my extremely judgmental mother-in-law, I heard her say, "Daddy taught me how to draw butts." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 090
You deserved it 50 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sessee 4

Well, when I was a kid, my mom told me that lowercase M's are basically upside-down butts. Of course, I shared that with my entire kindergarten class.


wtfCorby 0
imgangstayo420 0

Hahaha, that's funnyNice job teaching her that...maybe she'll draw one in school now?

Sessee 4

Well, when I was a kid, my mom told me that lowercase M's are basically upside-down butts. Of course, I shared that with my entire kindergarten class.

myurlbriii 9

Or you could just draw a "w"...

Amanyyyyyy 29

Let's see... Upside down m... or w... Which one looks more like a butt to you? If you say the w you must have a weirdly shaped one...

My hand written "w" looks curvy, not pointed. So, yes, it does look like a bodacious bottom. More so than an "m". :)

Good life lesson. Kids absorb everything! Never say anything in front of your kids that you don't want repeated.

Nice. Maybe you could teach her that with a ****** queefing. Haha

Kids tell adults everything. A 6 year old student of mine told me that his mother never went to college and that she buys bras that cost $90 for a pack of two. Another student of my friend mentioned that his mother doesn't wear clothes in the morning.

derailed 1

Not sure why this is so devastating. YDI if you care what you "extremely judgmental mother-in-law" thinks. And what's wrong with drawing butts? Sir-mix-a-lot would be proud.