By George - 15/01/2013 20:53 - United States - Vancouver

Today, I got a new girlfriend. Unfortunately, the last girl I asked out just responded to my relationship request on Facebook. It's been 4 hours, and my new girlfriend already thinks I'm cheating on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 497
You deserved it 46 691

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you ask these girls out over Facebook...

Wait... did you ask her out by a relationship status on FACEBOOK?! What has the world come to...


You are a moron, why didn't you ask them in person. They should both dump you.

Obviously it isn't official until it's on Facebook, so yeah you cheated.

that is some top quality trolling from your 'last' gf. bravo

You are obviously a child so who really cares

So what's the problem here. Since you were still waiting/hoping for the first girl to accept your relationship request, just go with her and let the new one down gently. If, on the other hand, you wanted both of them equally, then you probably deserve neither.

Dusty_Busters 15

Or you could just talk to them like a human being...


I'm pretty sure OP means that he initially asked the girl out in person AND THEN requested them on Facebook. When he broke up with her and got with another girl, the ex accepted the request.

No, none of this makes any sense. She wouldn't have accepted the invite if that were to happen, the guy is a complete moron and the most socially ****** character in all of existence, asking out girls by sending them relationship invites on facebook. Even worse may be that two, at least, have responded positively.

You asked her out... By sending her a Facebook relationship request? What is wrong with you. And if you asked her out and then sent a Facebook relationship request, what is wrong with you?