By George - 15/01/2013 20:53 - United States - Vancouver

Today, I got a new girlfriend. Unfortunately, the last girl I asked out just responded to my relationship request on Facebook. It's been 4 hours, and my new girlfriend already thinks I'm cheating on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 497
You deserved it 46 691

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you ask these girls out over Facebook...

Wait... did you ask her out by a relationship status on FACEBOOK?! What has the world come to...


You are a complete moron. Part of me wants you to be 12 so your parents can be blamed for teaching you to think that requesting relationship statuses as a means of establishing a title with no substantiating human interaction is acceptable. It's more of a FML if you're 30 and don't see the error of your ways, now that's a double entendre FML

Wow!! You must be a fag! Or have no balls to ask out a girl in person! That's so gay to ask over Facebook!!!

I don't even know how that's possible.... And I think you should be sterilized.

There's something really wrong & needy about you if you are asking girls out on FB period & even more so..if you've never actually met them in person...I'd suggest some therapy to get to the root of your issues before trying to start any relationship....almost sounds as if you have "mommy" issues..just saying.

How old are you people?!? This sounds like something that would happen in middle school. Sheesh. I hate reading FML's like this.

caysters 12

You deserve it. Grow some balls and ask them out in PERSON! If your idea of asking a girl out is sending a request through Facebook, then you need to stop dating.