By Anonymous - 04/06/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I got a parking ticket. I put the ticket in my bag and accidentally left the bag in my friends car. When I returned, the car window was smashed, my bag was gone. I had to call the police department and ask them to send me a new ticket, on top of the $1000 or so I'd already lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 040
You deserved it 6 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of idiot leaves a bag with/worth 1000 dollars in a car??? YDI

that sucks. should leave your stuff in the trunk next time. happened to a friend's sister too


hmm grab my phone out of my bag..or grab the entire bag which one which one.. Oh, I'll just grab my phone!

cheese1756 0

Thats why you never leave your bag in a car

Holy crap, u carry around $1000 in ur bag??

CatieBabey 0

22 and 25- any business man usually has two cellphones, usually a blackberry/iPhone or similar that is for work and a 2nd line that is for personal calls. and while you may think it's frivolous to spend $$ on sunglasses, I'd have to say that at a point in time I would have agreed with you. I never paid more than fifteen bucks for sunglasses, because I'd always end up breaking them. Then I realized it wasn't me- it was the cheap sunglasses. All the pairs I bought over the course of two summers added up to the $100 I spent on sunglasses at the Coach outlet- that were really valued at $200, and also came with a really nice case. They have lasted me longer than any pair I've owned, and if they do break I can take them to the coach store and get them fixed for free. And I'm sick of everyone on this site clicking on YDI whenever someone spent a lot of money on something "oh YDI for spending that much money on a car/phone/outfit/wedding/etc" People like to splurge. If someone doesn't have the right to spend their hard-earned money the way they want to, then what the hell is wrong with the world? Some people save up for the phone they really want, it's not wasting money, it's doing something for YOURSELF once in awhile.

**** your friend's life. Her car got smashed because you left your bag in plain view. . .

Goosie 0

what i don't understand is why you would call the police to ask them to send you a new ticket? you have to 'pay within 21 days' but if you don't they'll just send a copy to your house and then you have something like 2 weeks to pay it from that date. so actually, if you don't pay it right away you have about a month and half till you have to pay. just fyi

**** my purse. I need to pay this damn ticket!

patray_angel 0

I am not really sure why the OP had that amount of cash on them. There are a couple situations where I could see why you would have that much, but in any case, most people would never let their bag out of their site until the money was in a safer place. I realize the OP said they accidentally left the bag, but I don't see how someone could actually forget they had that kind of cash in their bag. To the others saying OP deserved it because they should have a bank account.....maybe the OP does and had planned on depositing the money into their account. I say you only deserved it if the car was either left unlocked, the windows were down, or your friend drives a convertable and the top was down.... It isn't a good idea to leave your valuables within view, but since you accidentally left your bag, obviously you were not paying attention to how easy it was to see. To the 13 year old who felt the need to try to brag about how much money they make, what do you want, some kind of trophy? I am not sure where you live or what kind of work you are doing, so I can't really comment on the fact that you are earning that much money at 13. Either way, if it takes you the whole summer to make that kind of money, I highly doubt you would just brush it off if someone stole it. To the OP, I am glad that you reported that the ticket was stolen as well. It would have been even worse had you just let it go because you would have ended up having to pay even more than what the orginal ticket was for or you could have possibly ended up with a warrent for your arrest for the unpaid ticket.

41 - who the **** cares how old you are. It's not about how fast you can make it back, it's about the $1000 worth of stuff he lost. And I doubt it was cash in his bag. Stop being such a douchefag. YDI & FML

This sucks, and fyl. For everyone who says it's your fault for leaving valuables in the open, take a minute to think. Maybe the OP lives in a halfway decent neighborhood (you know, like a rural one) and isn't used to having to worry about the riff-raff nicking their things.