By Anonymous - 04/06/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I got a parking ticket. I put the ticket in my bag and accidentally left the bag in my friends car. When I returned, the car window was smashed, my bag was gone. I had to call the police department and ask them to send me a new ticket, on top of the $1000 or so I'd already lost. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 038
You deserved it 6 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of idiot leaves a bag with/worth 1000 dollars in a car??? YDI

that sucks. should leave your stuff in the trunk next time. happened to a friend's sister too


Damn...sorry, I feel for u! That's truly an FML! Hope ur buddy had insurance!

notmarried976 0

idk who keeps 1,000 bucks in thier bag, but leaving any purses, wallets, expensive items, especially in a dark parking lot with no-one around is asking for someone to break into your car, lesson learned XD still, FYL

ithedarkknight 0

who ever broke into your car hit the jackpot 1,000 bucks lol i wonder how much fun he will have spending that money lol

ithedarkknight 0

oh yea next time u feel like leaving another 1,000 lying around let me know....

thesaras 0

Ow you lost a thousand bucksbig deal I can make that in a summer I'm 13

Ariel09 0

YDI for not being careful where you put your belongings and not making sure where you park is legal.