By j_babydoll6520 - 26/08/2011 11:09 - Australia

Today, I got a text message from a number I don't know saying, "I'm sorry, but I'm cheating on you, I couldn't do this in person because you're ugly when you cry." I haven't had a relationship in 6 years and I still manage to get dumped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 664
You deserved it 3 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

reply back saying "its ok i was cheating on you too with your brother... oh and is he free this weekend?"

iAmScrubs 19

I've been dumped by a fair share of ghosts myself. It can be really emotional, but you will get over it.


Lol oh come on, this one was funny.

No you did not get dumped. Someone had a wrong number. Not everything is about you. ydi