By Anonymous - 23/09/2015 15:48 - United States - Bedminster

Today, I got an angry call from my 7-year-old son's school. It turned out that while doing a "what I want to be when I'm older" assignment, he wrote that he wants to be an internet troll so he can make people mad and make them kill themselves. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 423
You deserved it 4 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you need to have a bit of a talk about compassion...


That kid needs a nice swat. No, it's not child abuse, it's called discipline. There's a difference between slapping your child in the face because they dropped a cupcake on the carpet and spanking a kid because he wanted to make people kill themselves.

See this is why you shouldn't let your kids be in the Internet or have your phone. That's why is generation is so ****** up because parents let there kids do whatever they want and there not being told what's wrong and what's right.

I don't see the issue with it while they are supervised, there's plenty of games on phones and Internet. They should be supervised, though, and if they can't follow the rules(or do/say something like op's son) it should be taken away.

Kids in past generations were ****** up too, and parents would spoil their kids in the past also. The internet just makes it more obvious these days.

Isa_fml 20

You need to supervise your kid's internet use, by the sound of things...

Why would a 7 year old be on the Internet in the first place? The only time I was ever on a computer when I was 7, was to play video games. (And they weren't online, lol)

AHzulu 25

Hey lighten up, it's the parents fault for letting the kid on the Internet unsupervised so he could learn that in the first place.

Where did he even learn about that at 7 & why did that lesson result in him thinking it would be a good idea?

Someone needs stronger internet passwords. YDI.

This kid is going to get laid a lot in high school.