By Ariel - 02/06/2009 12:19 - Israel

Today, I got an "Enlarge your penis" email for the millionth time. I was about to dismiss it when I saw the FW: from my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 93 401
You deserved it 7 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damnnn thats rough. forward her a breast enlargement offer

Haha ouch. Kind of a bitch way to give you the hint.


#16 If you're bad at sex, having a big dick isn't going to change that... :

#16 What the hell are you talking about? When did I ever say people were unsatisfied with how I have sex? I think you are making something up that isn't there.

#16 The entire point of my post was what you said. If you know how to use your dick (or don't) then it doesn't matter how big it is. Hence why his wife is superficial if she is serious (which i doubt)


#20, your retardedness amazes me and #23 I am bad b/c my dick doesn't fit in the vag... if you know what I mean ;)

Estronza_Adriann 0

I Would Be Really Mad And Like Reported That Teacher.

send her a forward for getting her ****** tightened

Wrong approach folks, Order the pills, get a big dick, and Saw that bitch in half. In fact you can use your monster dong to hit the wrong hole and tell her to quit complaining, it was her idea.

haha i like 0neiros' idea :P and i guess FYourSEXLYFE is a troll so i'll just leave him be

dawnie1001 0