By Anonymous - 26/03/2009 07:06 - United States

Today, I got back from a 6 month deployment overseas. My girlfriend of 3 years couldn't pick me up from the airport because she had an intramural softball game to go to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 453
You deserved it 6 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

notfromearth7 0

Aw...that sucks. But at the same time, good to see you got back safely soldier *salutes*

lolyouareanidiot 0

lol, at #3. No one takes intramural sports seriously. Certainly no one considers it a responsibility to play intramural sports where half the people show up drunk. This was a burn big time. You should take as much offense to this as possible.


PrincessesCrown 17

Grow up you should be cheering her on at the game. BTW you could always call a cab; I would go my softball game

He got back from war and soft ball is more important than risking his life for his country are you retarded

that's bot glad your back but more often than not she was busy doing something else. hope not in your case

I'll be nice to you and give you a FYL, but the softball game is important to her, and if you guys are a great couple, there's plenty of time to rejoice about your return afterwards. In the meantime, you should just call a cab, go to the game, and support her. On a totally unrelated note, THANK YOU FOR SERVING! People like you who serve/fight for their country, no matter which it is (save France and Italy, maybe XD), deserve my respect.

No matter what i had planned my bf would of came first!! ESP coming home from deployment!!

If it wasn't for our soliders fighting over there, there would be no intermerials

Thank you for serving. Even if your girlfriend does not appreciate you, many other citizens including myself do.

FooooYoLife 6

Honestly if i was you i would have a hard time forgiving her p.s. Thanks for serving

Looks like someone has softer balls than you!


I'm sorry dude. But thank you very much for your service.

rockybalboaaa_ 6