By Simms - 14/03/2012 02:32 - United States

Today, I got back to work at my hospital after some sick leave. The first jackass to waste my time was a guy with leg lacerations. This, he claimed, was because he tried to break a samurai sword over his leg as part of a bet. It's day one and already I want to kill myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 530
You deserved it 6 466

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All part of the business. Just be glad that you're far smarter than he is.


MEM0817 18

DocBastard? Just kidding. We know you're a trauma surgeon... not a minor boo boo fixer.

Trust me, I fix more than my fair share of minor boo boos.

It was extremely hard work, but I loved every minute of it. It kept you on your toes because you never knew what was going to happen next.

I completely agree with coffeechick. If you're that jaded about your job, you need to find a new one.

Llamacod 11
Llamacod 11

48- the blue circle with the arrow sticking up to the right decided op was a guy.

Ok everyone slow down. Trust me, taking care of this guy is not going to interfere with anyone getting the care they need. There's this thing called triage - we evaluate everyone and then make a decision either to tender immediate care or to put them on a back burner in favour of illnesses of higher acuity. No one is going to wait a minute longer than they have to because of patients like this. He can sit in the back of the ER or on a stretcher in a hallway for hours waiting to have his leg sutured so that the ER doctor can tend to heart attacks, strokes, diabetic ketoacidosis, etc.

Quit complaining! Idiots like that are your iron clad, bullet proof, super reliable, guarantee that you have job security for LIFE! As long as there are stupid people doing stupid things - you will have a good job. Be happy about that and be happy there are so many stupid jackasses in the world.

Sorry to disappoint people, but this isn't mine. See post #107 under comment #2. To OP - I have to agree with everyone telling you to suck it up and do your damned job. I don't know if you're a nurse, an ER doctor, a surgeon, or what. It doesn't make a difference - you knew full well when you got into medicine that people are stupid and that you would be dealing with said stupid people. But there are just as many gracious people who are actually thankful for the work you do. There's nothing better than a patient telling me, "Thanks for saving my life, Doc." THAT is what going into medicine is about, not dealing with "jackasses" who "waste your time". If that's the way you view your profession, it's probably time for you to choose a new one. Leave the caring for those of us who actually do.

Llamacod 11

Yea doc for telling this fool how it is. Go doc bastard

It sounds like he should be posting on FLM.