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By ryansmithho - 24/11/2010 19:06 - United States

Today, I was going to propose to my girlfriend of 4 years. I took the whole day to cook a nice meal, and stuck the ring in a cookie that I was going to give to her. In the middle of the dinner I was holding the cookie under the table, about to give it to her. My dog ate it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 799
You deserved it 14 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Baby, I've love you so much. It seems I've always loved you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry mFUCKING DOG!!! SPIT IT OUT YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!! NOOOOOO!!"

shortystar_fml 0

ydi, you should know the whole ring going into any kind of food never turns into a happy ending!! lol nice thought though :( stupid dog


what kind of situation is this? a SHITuation ;) dig through your dogs poo

To everyone who thinks It was baked into the cookie: Read the FML again. It says "...stuck the ring in a cookie..." So no, he did not bake it in the ******* cookie. He stuck it in after it was baked. I'm not angry, just stating a simple fact.

bamagrl410 31

Why can't guys learn that putting the ring in food is NOT cute? Ok, not everyone will think like me (so back off), but I personally would not want to crunch down on a nice piece of expensive metal that's supposed to mean something very special. Plus, the food method is nowhere close to original. YDI, in my opinion.

You're not alone bamargrl....personally, I can see why it would be cute for some, but there are SO many ways it can and will go wrong. I think a whole wedge of the FML pie chart should be devoted to "disastrous ring-in-food stories." The idea is for the woman to be able to see the ring at some point...otherwise, it's just going to end up down the hatch...

81 you're hot. mind if I bake a cake and put a card that says "you're hot" in it?

shortystar_fml 0

ydi, you should know the whole ring going into any kind of food never turns into a happy ending!! lol nice thought though :( stupid dog

Seriously, most people bite cookies with their front teeth. Ever bite something you weren't expecting to be hard with your front teeth? It hurts. What's more, it could have chipped her teeth.

FTC_Socialist 3

21- I thought the same thing. When I started reading I expected her to break one of her teeth. She was lucky she didn't eat it.

Totally agree. Why do people seem to think it's a good idea to propose by putting the ring in a piece of food? Too much can go wrong.

stewpididiot 11

YDI for not training your dog properly. One of the first things a dog should be taught is to leave food in your hands, on the table/counters, or dropped on the floor alone until given a command to eat it. Even obedience training at PetsMart teaches that. Stop being a lazy pet owner. What if you had just picked up a poisoned mouse or something? Your dog would snatch it from your hand and gulp it down. My currently-in-training puppy would sit and wait to see if he were allowed to eat whatever I held.

I had a different idea come to mind when I read this. I think the ring was probably very visibly sticking out of the center, as if it was on display in the cookie. So unless she shoved it in her mouth without looking at it she would have seen it. Which I'm doubting would happen because when someone whips a something out from under a table, I know I would look at their hand to see what it is, and if he's holding a cookie in his palm with a ring sticking out of the center, she's garunteed to notice. This makes more sense to me because i doubt he baked it into the cookie, and if he shoved it inside after it was baked it would have destroyed the cookie.

kenzxxo 0

I totally agree with 78, the ring had to be sticking out of the cookie unless he broke the cookie! so I would hope she would've noticed it!

Who's dog wouldn't have done the same thing?

My first comment was moderated. First again!!!

shortystar_fml 0
cageddreamz 4
TaylorTotsYumm 10

Awh. That would have been a really sweet proposal.


that was what i was thinking. It would have been really sweet if it would of worked,she's lucky to have you though. :)

TaylorTotsYumm 10
HamsteronA 0

I think that chicks from the united states are soooo hot

I'm 15 aswell. and I uses to live in england

mathew17986g 2

oh dude that sucks...well i guess your gunna be digging through shit for the next few days...XD

I'm just asking why did you hide it under the table? Why not bring the cookies in after dinner, then give her the cookie that had the ring in it?

*eaten No, she wouldn't have. She would've bitten into it and broken a tooth. How romantic.

Or how about propose without putting the ring in food? That just seems like a bad idea to me. Outcomes like the two above could be avoided if it wasn't in food.

"Baby, I've love you so much. It seems I've always loved you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry mFUCKING DOG!!! SPIT IT OUT YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!! NOOOOOO!!"

CoachLlama 5

You did it all wrong! You are supposed to give it to her at the lake while riding jet skis on choppy water with oily hands so you can be surprised when it ends up at the bottom of the lake. Moron! ;)