By Simms - 14/03/2012 02:32 - United States

Today, I got back to work at my hospital after some sick leave. The first jackass to waste my time was a guy with leg lacerations. This, he claimed, was because he tried to break a samurai sword over his leg as part of a bet. It's day one and already I want to kill myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 537
You deserved it 6 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All part of the business. Just be glad that you're far smarter than he is.


skyeyez9 24

Also working in the ER, you should not be surprised at some of the injuries and how they got them. I am sure you have seen them all and a samurai sword is a mild one, compared to the extremes like people shoving an alarm clock up their ass or something.

NoxiousNorwegian 5

Find another job. Period. Point blank.

cajekraze 7

Get over yourself, Ass. These idiots pay your grossly oversized paycheck

More like insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid.

dominic1221 6

Medical people are some of the most important members of society. Their paychecks damn well aren't oversized, you ignorant man.

Oversized? Really? We're overpaid, but let me guess, you think that it's ok for a baseball player to make $10 million a season to play a ******* game, right? **** you. You don't know a goddamned thing about medical economics. Most doctors in the US graduate from medical school with an average of $250,000 in debt. Then they do a residency for 3-8 years making $40-50,000 a year. And then primary care doctors work their asses off taking care of fuckwads like you to make $100k. I work 80-100 hours a week, and I earn and deserve every penny I make. So go **** yourself.

cloakedn007 1

Wow I hope I never get a nurse like you.

RoxxyHustle 7

without those jack asses wouldn't you be out of a job?

blankgoal 0

I'm and EMT we were called to a scene where a man had his toe stuck in a beer can.

Sounds like you need to review an ethics chapter from your academic career and also review the HIPPA laws. You definitely need a new attitude towards your patients. The last thing this patient needed after making a mistake was you treating him poorly. Shame on you!!!

dominic1221 6

Look at comment #70's replies. Sounds like YOU need to review HIPAA, after you learn how to spell it correctly. Shame on YOU for spouting opinions as facts.

Squeaky_Tomato 14

Thank you Doc. Finally a smart person on this thread. Also if "idiots" should not be treated (as most of you seem to think) then the ER would be empty, and most emergency employees would be out of a job.

mbrooks5110 0

People don't do stupid stuff or come in & you don't have a job.

You sound like your one of those people thats a bitch without trying.