By Simms - 14/03/2012 02:32 - United States

Today, I got back to work at my hospital after some sick leave. The first jackass to waste my time was a guy with leg lacerations. This, he claimed, was because he tried to break a samurai sword over his leg as part of a bet. It's day one and already I want to kill myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 537
You deserved it 6 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

All part of the business. Just be glad that you're far smarter than he is.


Epsilonyx 15

I automatically thought Doc wrote this.

sickenedwinter86 0

You're in the wrong profession. You took the role on healer and care giver and you can't have that attitude. No YDI and no FYL... Just quit being a horses ass about your job.

You should make him get his temperature taken rectally and a rectal exam!! This will teach him a lesson!

Wow. Ur a fkn bitch. It's ur job! U get paid for that. Quit ur job if u hate it so much. I'm sure there's someone out there who deserve it more than u anyway.

**** all these morons. You don't have to like your job to do it well. Next time ****** amputate that way we never have to see that asshole walking down the street

I don't understand how you would have wanted to be a doctor if you didn't think you'd find your self in these situations. You really shouldn't have chosen the medical field if you're going to have an attitude like this, try approaching it with humor.

firefighterjohn 9

if you don't like the medical field then gtfo. nurses like you are reasons people don't like going to the hospital even in a true emergency. I work as a firefighter/emt and I love every day of my job.. and yes I see my share of stupidity as well... but you don't see me complaining on fml... look as it this way... stupidity keeps the medical feild in business

blankgoal 0

I agree I'm an EMT B and we see a ton of stupid stuff

I'm guessing you're one of those ones that thought everyday working at the hospital was going to be like it is on Scrubs.... Well, it's not.... You gotta love it or hate it! YDI for sure knowing what to expect working in the medical field!

coffeechick 1

Seriously? Quit then. You work in a hospital and people who go to a hospital need medical attention. And yes, sometimes people do stupid things but that gives you no right to judge others like that. How do you think your patient feels? Youre an ass. Hope Im no where near you when I need medical help