By husbands addiction - 26/03/2014 18:00 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I got billed for $80 of Justin Bieber music. It wouldn't have been so bad if it were my daughter who bought it all, instead of my husband. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 555
You deserved it 4 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nickb55 16

If I were you I would also feel bad if it was my daughter who bought it too...

Never say never to your husband's love for Bieber.


Indianboy9321 25

Setting aside the fact that he may have an odd musical choice in your opinion, I think you SHOULD have a talk with him about how to spend money wisely.

Yeah, divorce him, instead of having a talk. Sounds right.

I don't think you can talk with Bieber fans...

Divorce isn't the only option. Murder is better IMO, thin out the belieber herd.

A language in which consists of a very complex use of the word "Swag" and/or "Swaggy".

Not to mention the word "swagger" used by many of that swaggy group known as Beliebers.

I'm with #10. He could've been buying it for your daughter. But if he was buying it for himself, then I think some counseling is in order

He is probably sobbing right now to the fact that biebers in jail now ;)

You don't keep up with the news, do you? That was nearly 2 months ago. He didn't go to jail, he was arrested.

He isnt in jail dumbass and me im glad im a belieber and all the hate is all just bullshit

That is highly unfortunate... But to each their own.. I guess....

Then I saw her face, now I'm a belieber.

ThomasBombadil 31

Davy Jones just turned over.

kitcatjb 12

He's embracing his inner belieber!

You married a man with interesting tastes