By bankergirl - 16/01/2010 07:22 - United States

Today, I got called into work and I was really excited to earn some extra money. One block from getting there I get pulled over. Apparently my tags were expired, and there goes half a weeks pay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 521
You deserved it 27 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AndelleRae 9

I'm not sure whether I should say FYL or YDI. On the one hand, I know what it means to have to drive on expired plates. My sister had to for awhile because she couldn't afford to get them renewed. (Deadbeat husband, two kids to take care of. The kids' expenses came first, and by the time she was done getting the things she needed for her boys, she didn't have the money to get her plates renewed.) On the other, the way this is written makes me lean toward you deserve it. How did you not know they were expired? I'm torn. I guess I say FYL AND YDI because it sucks that you're going to have to pay all that money, but it is kind of silly that you didn't realize they were expired.

At least now you will have the extra money to pay for it. Those expired tags would have cost you sooner or later anyway. You have to look on the bright side. :)


I had the same thing happen to me... Except my job requires me to drive around and I can't afford to make the repairs that I need to pass inspection and get the tags. My FML is that I just got pulled over two times on Friday. Luckily the second officer let me use the first ticket as a "get out of jail free" card.

KingAdrock 16

Expired tags? Unless you're an idiot and let it go for months and months, that should only be a fix-it ticket at worst. How are you losing "half a week's pay"? Unless it's just to get the registration current which you'd have to pay anyway!

half a weeks pay? you must only work 2-3 days a week....

Sorry. I know that it sucks to be poor.

Twi_lover_EC 6

It does suck to be poor...*sigh*

tsim_fml 0

Newsflash to all who don't know. Supreme Court Precedence and constitutional rights give you a right to drive. Which means NO VEHICLE REGISTRATION for private vehicles and no DL

It is very difficult to unknowingly let your insurance run out. YDI

You sound surprised that your tags had expired. As a driver its your responsibility to take care of crap like that. ydi