By fmexgirlfriend - 15/08/2009 05:30 - New Zealand

Today, I got dumped by my girlfriend of 4 years because I didn't know the exact amount of days that we'd been together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 501
You deserved it 6 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For some reason, I don't think that was the actual reason for why she dumped you. And if after four years, and that's her only reason, then... How did you guys manage to be together that long?

I wonder if this is the OP actually saying "I couldn't remember our anniversary" and has trivialised it by saying "exact number of days" :P



dude your ex is a bitch. is my woman ever said that I'd come back at her with somethin like how many times have we kissed and if u don't know make up something

Thats a really stupid reason to break up with someone. My boyfriend of 3 and a half years doesn't know the exact amount of days and I couldn't really care less lol. There must be something wrong with her ... I feel sorry for you mate.

WHAT? I've been married for two years, and we still can't figure out when exactly our relationship began! Neither one of us ever officially "asked out" the other person... the relationship just kind of happened on its own. We consider our relationship "anniversary" whatever day of the year we attend the Renaissance Festival, since that's where we went on our first date.

Me, neither. My wife and I were both in a group of friends like on the TV show "Friends." One day we went to a movie to which none of the other friends could make it, so she counted that as a date. I dispute that because I was in the "friend" mindset, not the "date" mindset (you dudes know what I'm talking about, right?) I'm not sure whether the girlfriend needed to know the number of days they had been going out off the top of his head, or whether she gave him time and he was too lazy or stupid to calculate it.

What will you do if you miss Ren Faire one year?

Hasn't happened yet. ^_^ We just use it as a way to calculate years. "Hey, it's Rennie season! It's been four years since we started dating!" That's about it. ^_^ Actually, this year we had to sit down and figure out whether it had been four years or five. It took us a while. How sad is that?

See, if one of you knew it was five and they other wrongly thought it was four, THAT would be a fair reason for the person to be upset (dunno about breakup, though) unlike this. Maybe it was the OP's anniversary and the gf just wanted to test his maths? Although, that's an even more ridiculous breakup reason. Never mind.

Sounds like a made up problem to blame the break up on you. Sorry.

beachbabe24 0

u should of said something like "you tell me how many days we have been together then ill tell" other than that i Agree with #24

YDI for dating a high maintenence **** for 4 years

yea the relationship probably wasnt that great to begin with. but they always find a way to make it your fault..

BikerMike 0

is she one of those ***** who has to celebrate an anniversary for everything