By someone72 - 22/03/2010 23:20 - United States

Today, I got excited when my phone vibrated cause I thought someone actually wanted to talk to me. When I grabbed my phone I realized my mind played a trick on me and I only thought it vibrated. I'm so lonely I subconsciously trick myself into thinking I have friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 469
You deserved it 58

Top comments

DaWinz 0

haha but OP, don't worry, happens to me all the time, probably cause I'm a dumb **** :/

The pic is awful, just awful. Awful drawing, interpretation, and execution.


fualignment 0

how come lulu had such a nice warm welcome when I joined a week ago and snicks was the only one to give me a sarcastic welcome? I'm so sad I want my phone to vibrate.

fualignment 0

will you give me a fat warm welcome if I give you one?

this isn't a fml, it happens to all of us.

fualignment 0

alright then, I'll take one for the team. welcome lulu! :)

Fu, it's because Lulu's pic is slightly cuter than yours. You have been insulted and are now officially one of us. Hi, Lulu! I love FF too!

Watch out! Phantom Vibration Syndrom could kill you.

kitties_fml 12

"it's ****** up when your mind is playin tricks on ya!"

youthink_fml 0

You subconsciously tricked yourself into thinking anyone cares you thought your phone rang. So what?!!

And I volunteer to change OP's situation :)

awe, if I had your number I would call you just to say hi how are ya.