By someone72 - 22/03/2010 23:20 - United States

Today, I got excited when my phone vibrated cause I thought someone actually wanted to talk to me. When I grabbed my phone I realized my mind played a trick on me and I only thought it vibrated. I'm so lonely I subconsciously trick myself into thinking I have friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 469
You deserved it 58

Top comments

DaWinz 0

haha but OP, don't worry, happens to me all the time, probably cause I'm a dumb **** :/

The pic is awful, just awful. Awful drawing, interpretation, and execution.


melaniexann 0

hahaha. happens to me all the time!

people post shit like this and expect others to feel sorry...honestly it's kinda pathetic just talk to people what's so hard about that..?

aabbcock 0

i do the same but its cause i text a lot >.< once, i was carrying something and i dropped all these bags to check for a message and i had no message -.-

my phone vibrates randomly. exspecialy when in my bra. I scares the crap outta me

huh well i read MLIA and FML and this sounds EXACTLY like one of the stories ive read. although im not sure what website its from.

ydi for not calling ppl. Is you're dads still around then throw a frisbee or hav lunch